Legal Notices

  Registration :

Taxi du Minervois ™  is a registered trading name of Taxi Jacques Magniet, incorporated in Carcassonne, France with a registered office in Rieux Minervois, France.
Siret n° : 32103310200062
APRM : 4932ZA
APE : 4932Z
N° I.I. (VAT) FR92321033102

  Office adress :

7, rue Louis Pasteur, F11160, Rieux Minervois, France # Tel. +33 (0) 468 781 924 #


All material contained on this site is subject to international laws on intellectual property and copyright and cannot be used or reproduced without written agreement.


In accordance with law N° 78-17 of the 6th January 1978, modified the 6th August 2004, relative to digital information, files and freedoms, any person may obtain and if necessary correct or delete information concerning them by contacting This website is registered with the CNIL (the French data protection authority) under the number 1936651 v 0.


1&1 Internet sarl, 7 place de la gare, 57201 Sarreguemines, France. Tél. +33(0)970 808 911

Direction : Markus Huhn, Robert Hoffmann SARL au Capital de 100.000 EUR SIRET 431 303 775 000 16 - APE 642 B - R.C.S Sarreguemines B 431 303 775 Identification intracommunautaire FR 13 431303775

Telephone : +33 (0) 670 374 885